60. A boy in a bucket of balls. Say that 10 times really fast! 59. Amber took this photo when she and Dan visited in the Spring. I absolutely love this photo because it really showcases those adorable, gorgeous blue eyes. 58. Asleep in the backseat in Lincoln. With, yes, a towel for a blanket. Don't ask me 'cuz I don't remember the reason for that. 57. Chillin' at Cracker Barrel. (I actually used to call him Jackles McCrackerbarrel.) 56. Completely relaxed at home. The laziest Sunday on record actually.
55. So. Freaking. Cute. 54. After swimming, he was quite excited. So when Uncle Jared grabbed him, he was all smiles! 53. Uncle Crazyface (Dan), Jack and Amber share a moment...of weirdness... 52. Daddy Doublechin and Jack having fun. 51. This was during the Hair Infatuation Stage of 2007. Pictured here with Aunt Emily. I kinda like the backlit photo.
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