Jack likes to be held in the air above our heads. "I'm the King of the World!"
Jack has really been Mommy's boy lately. It's not that he doesn't like others, Mommy's just his fave right now.
Hee hee, Mommy. I'm not going to go to bed until 10 tonight.
And the house special tonight is finger food.
Jack, I swear you get cuter everyday! It is so good to see pictures of you and your Mommy! We miss you!! Love ya!
Aunt Miss, Uncle Jared and the boys
Jack! You are such a cutie patootie!!! Those long eyelashes just kill me!!! Be good now!
SUPER CUTENESS!!!! Love seeing more of mommy on the blog. Keep sneaking those shots Dave! Love ya' & can't wait to see ya' in a week... ~Aunt Sarah
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