Saturday, January 12

Last Weekend - A Bit Late

We went to Palisade last weekend. Admittedly, I was terrible about taking photos. I dug the cammy out once the whole weekend, then must have been content just to enjoy the time I had instead of lugging that thing around. So, here's our fragmented weekend! arms are supposed to go through those arm holes. Haven't we been over this before?
Joe and Jack played a wicked game of catch Friday night. Jack would get right up to Joe, then throw his head...nice...
Agreed: Cutest. Pic. Ever.
And that VERY colorful awesome blankie in the picture? Grammy Tami made it for Jack. Okay, she made a different one for all the grandkids. And they all love them!
Yes, our kids loved Peyton's couch. But their love for Peytie's couch was eclipsed by their love for the blankets Grammy Tami made them.
Coloring with his BCF Peyton. They had a blast together, and since we stayed at Peytie's house, they spent a lot of time together.
Cuteness on a cracker.
We also stopped by Missy's to see Jacob. Jack wasn't loving the fact that his mommy was holding another baby. We caught a bug at Missy's before having to run off to eat and nap. It's called baby fever. Jacob is mega adorable.

Luke and Peyton open presents from us.
Okay, give me 'serious.' Now 'concerned'...'deer in the headlights'...'bored'...'disaffected'...'shy'...ah, such range!
Yes, most of our pictures are of the Dora couch.
That. Darn. Cat.
Ahhh...the one that got away...

Things I didn't take pictures of, so you'll just have to take my word for it:
  • Heidi's birthday party
  • Tori's awesome game (they're ranked 8th now after that slaughter)
  • Seeing Bill, Steph and Alan
  • Bigfoot
  • The Lochness Monster