Monday, March 24

Fetus Whisperer Prediction

Well, since my Broseph Joe and his wife Sarah have officially announced their pregnancy, I feel it is my duty to announce that the fetus whisperer believes this one is going to be a:


Do with that information what you will, one and all, but I think it's my duty to tell you I am 9 for 11 overall. And I have a good feeling about this one...


Peyton and Sawyers Place said...

Ummmm... ok. Why, Dave? Why? I'm holding out for a boy, don't ya' know?! Why do you do this to me? ;o) Hope to find out around the end of May!

The Blecha Family said...

Dave, I'm holding out for a nothing. Forever. Can you fetus whisper that request in?

Miss you guys, too!

Dave Ja Vu said...

Don't shoot the messenger, girls. I don't breed 'em, I just read 'em!

Or something less creepy than that...