Sunday, March 25

'Round 'Round Get Around, I Get Around

Okay, so I am pretty much over my nasty illness, and I thought since I was feeling so good today, I'd start crawling, pulling myself up on stuff, etc...
It started out like any other experience. My daddy put me down on the floor in my room, thinking he could get some organization and safety measures taken since it appeared as though I might be crawling very soon.
Well, he sat me down in the middle of the room and in a couple seconds, I was under the table. This would not turn out to be a typical day where I just rolled around a little and got into a couple things. Oh no...
I started crawling a little bit; maybe not enough to get all worked up about, but it was crawling nonetheless...
Then I showed Daddy and Mommy that I could go from lying on my belly to sitting up. Something pretty new to me!
Then, as you are witnessing for yourself, I started to pull myself up on stuff.
I emptied off the shelves and went for the cords under the table. They were quickly removed (both the table because I was going to bonk my head, and the cords; an outlet plug was quickly applied.)
After Mommy put all my blankies back on the shelf, I went back to emptying it off again.
I'm a big goof!
I know you've been waiting for some crawling, my wonderful parents, but were you expecting a little bit today already? Fooled you?!

Here's me reaching for that table again...
And I pulled myself up there...
My daddy got a box of plastic things out of the closet! What is it, dude?
Then he told me about all the stuff inside it and how it was going to keep me from getting hurt. So thoughtful!
Then I got into mischief and the bedroom playdate was pretty much over for all of us!


Dax, Ian, and Jude said...

You are such a stud Jack!! We're all glad you're feeling better!!!

Blackmans said...

I knew you were going to take off crawling and surprise everyone! Now you get to have fun getting into everything!!! I bet your walking soon too!! Way to go buddy!
Love ya!
Aunt Missy, Uncle Jared and the boys

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you're feeling better Jack. We miss you. Looks like mommy & daddy are going to be very busy from keeping you out of things. Way to be Mr. Jack

Love ya' - Aunt Sarah