When we first got to Iowa, we were starving so we stopped at Chuck E. Cheese's and had some pizza and fun. It was like nothing I've ever seen before. 'Cuz I literally hadn't.
Getting ready to ride the Chuck E. Cheese Express.
Buckle Up! It's the law!
And look who that is! Jack was very excited to see Chuck E. Cheese. He even said his whole name! He was very excited to see Chuck. VERY excited. He told Grandma and Susan about it later.
After visiting Gramps at the hospital and mowing Grandma's lawn, we went to see Taylor and Kealey and Emily and Mike. Kealey had softball so Mike and Emily came to watch her and see Gramps too. Here's Taylor.
Taylor showed Jack his trampoline. It was a hit. Video of that experience later...
What fun!
We then went to dinner with them. We waited an hour-and-a-half to eat so Jack got to play with Taylor and Kealey A LOT!
He enjoyed Taylor's Shirley Temple quite a bit.
They all have ginormous hands so every time we're around them they compare. It's a thing...
Auntie Em and Jack Jack doing some goofin'.
Yes, we did actually eat. Kealey and Jack had fun.
He gave me a drink.
Then flicked the straw and I had Shirley Temple in my schnozz.
This picture is for Aunt Missy. Jack loved the onion bloom. Hee hee...
After eating, we made it back to Grandma's right before a mega storm blew in. The power was out half the night and Susan and I had some branches to pick up. Good thing Jack was asleep when it blew through. It was free-kee!
Jack and Aunt Susan. She was pretty happy he said her name.
After visiting Gramps again, we headed home. Though right outside of Omaha, we decided the zoo was calling our names. So we went. Not sure what's going on here...
We thought this monkey was presh.
Jack loved the fish. A LOT. He even said shark without being told what they were yet.
The giraffes were a hit too.
After the zoo, we went to eat with Uncle Dan at the Olive Garden. It was delisch!
Jack taught Dan how to jump.
Jumping class has begun.
We got home around 8 p.m. last night and found water in our basement again, so we'll tend to that now. We might just be a little bit exhausted right now though...